What about the 49ers?

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Recently I came across a couple of YT videos that were montages of showing us blow it in tons of playoff games put together by those who want to laugh at us.

In watching the 49ers beat us over and over again I then realized something.
It is not just us but they are also another team that blows it over and over and over again in the big games.
Sure, they beat us in a playoff game only to go on to the next one to lose it, as they did with the Rams this year, or to make it to the SB to lose there as they did in seasons of 2019 and 2012 before that.
The last time they won an SB was in 1995 and as we all know we have won it twice after that in two different millennial. (The 9ers are so last century! LOL)
So we are SB winners twice more recently than them.

I dunno if anyone has put together a 9ers losing big games montage as they did for our team but someone should and if anyone finds it please post it here as I will.

Dishonorable mentions of other teams that constantly blow it in big games would be:
Chiefs (Maybe. Again, a team that could have been a dynasty but just one SB win so far.)


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Besides maybe the Patriots, I think every fan base can put together some kind of Montage depicting their team failing to either make it to or win a SB. Remember, there is only 1 winner every year and as I have said before, if winning the SB is your threshold of satisfaction with the Packers, you are going to be disappointed way more than you are satisfied.


Oct 5, 2014
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Tell me about it. :)

We already did:D

Seriously though, this is probably the main reason why I do not subscribe to the SB or failure mentality. Knowing going into the season that there is one and only one outcome for that will leave me feeling happy is not something I would look forward to. Knowing how difficult it is to win the SB I just don't want to set myself up for that feeling chances are I'm going to look back at the last 5-6 months and consider them a waste. Even though we've beaten the pants off the vikings and Bears and the cowboys and any other team I dislike it would put a huge damper on my enjoyment of those victories if I felt none of them mattered if we don't win the SB.

I am in no way saying it is the right way to feel or this is how anyone else should feel or that it is in any way more legit than the way anyone else chooses to look at it. Its just me.


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
Madison, WI
We already did:D

Seriously though, this is probably the main reason why I do not subscribe to the SB or failure mentality. Knowing going into the season that there is one and only one outcome for that will leave me feeling happy is not something I would look forward to. Knowing how difficult it is to win the SB I just don't want to set myself up for that feeling chances are I'm going to look back at the last 5-6 months and consider them a waste. Even though we've beaten the pants off the vikings and Bears and the cowboys and any other team I dislike it would put a huge damper on my enjoyment of those victories if I felt none of them mattered if we don't win the SB.

I am in no way saying it is the right way to feel or this is how anyone else should feel or that it is in any way more legit than the way anyone else chooses to look at it. Its just me.
I feel like you are right, but that is just the way that I feel.
Forget Favre

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Besides maybe the Patriots, I think every fan base can put together some kind of Montage depicting their team failing to either make it to or win a SB. Remember, there is only 1 winner every year and as I have said before, if winning the SB is your threshold of satisfaction with the Packers, you are going to be disappointed way more than you are satisfied.
I find it tough to let that go with the great seasons we have and with one of the best QBs and wide receiver combos in the game right now.
Plus there is all the media hype and the announcers fawning all over Rod before and during the games.
We should have pride in our team. Just that there are no bragging rights elsewhere on the web to non Packers fans when we don't win the Big One.

After all these years I have finally learned how to watch Packers playoff games to not be so disappointed when they lose.
I will record it, find out the result and if they won then go back and watch it.

Could be worse.
At least we are not Browns fans!

Half Empty

Oct 29, 2014
Reaction score
We already did:D

Seriously though, this is probably the main reason why I do not subscribe to the SB or failure mentality. Knowing going into the season that there is one and only one outcome for that will leave me feeling happy is not something I would look forward to. Knowing how difficult it is to win the SB I just don't want to set myself up for that feeling chances are I'm going to look back at the last 5-6 months and consider them a waste. Even though we've beaten the pants off the vikings and Bears and the cowboys and any other team I dislike it would put a huge damper on my enjoyment of those victories if I felt none of them mattered if we don't win the SB.

I am in no way saying it is the right way to feel or this is how anyone else should feel or that it is in any way more legit than the way anyone else chooses to look at it. Its just me.
This year might be a prime example of what I meant about expectations. There are a ton of ways this team would look drastically different from last year/last decade. Many of them would reasonably call for significantly reduced definitions of success in 2022, certainly meaning that SB-or-bust is off the table. I'll just have to wait and see. :)