It is more likely he would retire than go to another team. The writer is basing his entire argument on what other people did, not Brett Favre.
What has he to prove with another team? That he can win a championship?
He's done that.
I think he will leave when the entire carnival of fans, media, players from other teams, etc. get to be too much for him. Part of it is having his family split between Green Bay and Mississippi during the year. As a father, that would be ******* me.
I think he might leave after this year. My take on the situation is Favre was ready to go last year when he saw Thompson about to rebuild the team, and the Packers had booted the playoffs.
Sherman talked him into one more year until Favre's successor could be groomed.
I fully expect him to retire this year. He has a bright future on TV with one of the networks. It pays well, he only works a couple of days a week and he can put his farm, his mother's place and his life back together in Mississippi.