Journal-Sentinel has made it the lead topic, now that the vote tally is in.
I never really thought there would be any interference to him making it right off. Reggie White was always going to be a shoo-in... never any doubt at all.
Cliff Christl is on the video discussing Reggie White and his career.
I would say that I agree pretty much with what they've decided to air.
Reggie's best playing days actually were in Philadelphia - it's just that he didn't have much to count on, on Offense, while he was there - and the dual lure of $$$$$$$ and Brett Favre is what got him to Lambeau.
He was also right in that the Packers would have NEVER won the SuperBowl without Reggie White. NO ONE will ever get me to believe it to be any different.
He's a Player "always to be remembered" - very few like him ever come around.
I'm glad one of his pitstops was in Green Bay!
Way to go, Reggie.... way to go!