My take is he purposely left out (omitted) the plain fact the Walker approached the Media first - therefore leaving the door wide open for Brett, or anyone else for that matter, to walk right in the "use the Media" as well.
The Reporter shouldn't be censoring facts to assist a half-hearted premise ....just to sell Newspapers.
As long as he remembers to count "all the facts"... then fine, but here he forgets himself - and allows Walker a free pass! It's favoritism!
He "should" have berated Walker first, Not Favre - then I would follow your premise... otherwise..... uh-huh -- not gonna fly! After Walker spoke out thru the Media - ALL of the Players would then be allowed to comment - but you won't see it happening...
Brett, alone, as the Leader of the Team, is being given some grace period here by the Packers to step up... and after a time - even that will fade... back to square one - keepin' it in-house!
Rosenhaus just screwed up big time... and some Reporters may be aiding & abetting him in this pursuit! Why? To get the skinny before everyone else(?) - Isn't that what CNN did in Iraq for almost ten years? Sure it is... only this is just Sports - either way - it's the same tactic.