Well here we are waiting for Brett again, I think that it is about time Brett either Sh$# or get of the pot give the people a idea what is going on and quit being a big freaking baby. Do not get me wrong I love Brett and think he is still at the top of his game and for sure the answer for us but come back, instead of just playing tell us, well this is my last year or next year is it and get it over with, if it is taking you this long to decide maybee your heart is not in it and maybee we have to A. start praying that god will give some skillz to Rodges that we have not yet seen or B. go and get a better QB- who I do not have the answer for that yet or C. let Nall playI think he is better than Rodgers at this point. Bottomline I think Brett needs to make a decision, I do not think that anyone needs to fly down to Mississippi and get on there hands and nees and beg this guy BRETT GET ER DONE.