Melo said:I like this site and i'm gonna tell to my latvian friends about it 8)
Yes. Latvia is in Europe.thetombradyhater said:is latvia some country in Europe?
I was guessing it was in Europe...Melo said:Yes. Latvia is in Europe.thetombradyhater said:is latvia some country in Europe?
You didn't know where is Latvia?
Melo said:This year in Latvia was World championship in ice hockey. 8)
Maybe remember?
I just thinked that American ari interested in hockey toCdnfavrefan said:Welcome here Melo. Your right Latvia's starting to make a name for themselves in hockey but I don't think to many Americans are interested enough in hockey to notice. I got to admit before they started playing in international tournaments I wouldn't of known where it was. Is it a country from the old Soviet Union?