You are the dumbest people on the planet.


Mar 9, 2007
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TT's plan for improvement seems to be throwing a bunch of average talent bodies at a position and see if some of them progress and stick.

In either free agency or the draft I guess I would have liked to see us add:

One good, playmaking WR. (we got three young possibilities)

One good, proven running back. (a couple of young possibilities)

One good fullback. (nothing yet)
Both Wynn and Korey Hall will be in the running for FB. I don't see any true FB being that much better an option in the draft. Plus we still have FA.

Some backup CB options in case either of our aging CBs get injured (nothing yet)
Frank Walker doesn't count?

One tight end that could be considered a pass-catching threat. (nothing yet)
Clark Harris could surprise here. But this is one spot we should still look at FAs for.

One solid OL veteran who could step in and help the young bucks if needed. (nothing yet)
Barbre is a solid 3rd/4th value player at tackle. And maybe we will still add another OT in FA (although I am pretty happy with Moll and Barbre).

A solid strong safety prospect that can stop the big plays over the middle (Rouse maybe, but he weighs about as much as a LB)
But he runs like a safety. He will be fine. Not to mention we have another year of XP for our young guys.

A pass covering LB to stop the plays that killed us last year (Rouse maybe)
We haven't added anything here. It will depend on how Poppinga, Bishop and some other guys look.

Another backup QB prospect (nothing yet)
There are a bunch of undrafted QBs that would be fine for a 4th.

On the bright side, we did add a DT that could be productive if he stays healthy, a rookie kicker with a strong leg, a backup OT and some backup players at LB that should help improve the special teams.
We added 5 players that were very good ST guys in college (Rouse, Clowney, Jones, Bishop and Hall) and the best kicker in the draft. Plus, we got three guys who did can help on returns (Jackson, Jones, Clowney). I think our ST makeup should be much stronger.

All in all, looks to be some holes yet to fill before the season starts.
I would say maybe a vet WR who can compete for 3-5, a TE and FB would be all we need right now. Corner looks OK with Walker and the young guys. We have a ton of nice looking OL after the last two drafts. RB looks strong now and the DL/LB group is also solid.

Unfortunately, the June 1st cuts don't exist anymore, there's little left in free agency and I don't see us having much on the roster that other teams may want in a trade.
You mean the timeframe where we added Woodson last season? Yeah, no good players can found after the draft. :crazy:
Heck, 17 WRs were taken in the first day, if you don't think some solid vets will be cut here soon you are kidding yourself.

We are at the end of April and our four biggest needs are backup TE, FB, 3rd/4th WR and dime corner. Plus, we have a handful of guys from this draft that may fill most of these. Hardy a situation for mass panic. I think we will add 2-3 more guys in FA (prob a vet WR, TE and maybe a CB/FB). But even if we don't, this team has enough depth to go into camp and see what these young guys can do.


Mar 15, 2007
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I'm sorry, if we go into this season with the current RBs, we (more important, Favre) are gonna be teed off on.

I don't see us rushing for 1000 yds AS A TEAM with the current guys.


May 31, 2005
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boy those are some promising guys. Here we come Super Bowl!

I'm just glad no other team has a roster full of players


Jan 17, 2005
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Packwalking, WI
I merely pointed out was Randy Moss hasn't been more productive than Driver for the past couple of seasons, when Lare argued Moss was more productive than anyone on our roster. However he was clearly wrong.

Just kind of curious as to where I argued Moss was more productive than anyone else on our roster.


Mar 9, 2007
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I don't see us rushing for 1000 yds AS A TEAM with the current guys.
I'll make that bet. We averaged over 110 ypg rushing last season in games Green didn't play. And that's with only guys like Morency and Herron. Throw in Brandon Jackson (1,459 tot yards for Nebraska in 06) and DeShawn Wynn and I think we'll find a way to match Green's 70-75 yards a game (when healthy).


Mar 15, 2007
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Hey...I hope I stuck my foot in my mouth. I WANT them to be good. I WANT them to win NEXT year, but I don't see it now.
Jun 6, 2005
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Toronto, Canada
I've said it before, I think the Moss thing fell through because Moss wanted more money than Ted thought he was worth.

Simple as that. Was it the right move? Well you could argue Ted is cheap, or you could argue he is value driven. Either way, I get the feeling TT didn't want to pay Moss more than X dollars, and Moss said 'NO' when asked if he'd take the deal.

Yes, he took a lesser deal with the Pats. Wouldn't you also do that, if you were trying to win a Superbowl?

As for DT, look at how Pat and Kevin Williams improved the Vikings D. Two dominate DTs can change the complexion of your D, as well as any game. I hated the move, but I've been thinking and honestly I'd say that it is a proactive move by TT.

He is basically saying 'if you wanna win, you gotta beat us in the air'. I don't mind that with Harris, Woodson, and Collins (er, the one that showed up at the Bears game) being back there (of course, we have to improve our SS play).

Fact is, hate TT or not, I think many of us feel this was THE key draft in his tenure as GM. This draft just doesn't have the feel of last year, but I'll give TT credit and give the players a chance.

Of course if we stink it up, TT will have a lot of explaining to do.

On the other hand though, I find it a bit interesting that TT choose players that don't have a history of solid production against solid college teams. It is a risk, one that could payoff, or blow up big time.

Harrell, Jackson, Jones, Clowney, etc. are the type of picks I honestly would have expected Mike Sherman to make. These guys are athletes that haven't exactly excelled in football.

They have potential, but then again so did Sherman's picks.

I'm not jumping for joy, but I do think these picks deserve a chance. I am not too thrilled about the draft, but for the sake of the Packers (and Brett), I'll be praying these picks pan out.


Aug 27, 2006
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I get to voice my opinion too. lol. But its about the same as everyone else. I actually like the idea of rebuilding, and trying to get "depth" and studs in the draft, just for the fact we were getting old. BUT, big but, is that Favre said that "if TT told him that he was rebuilding and wasnt needed that he would retire or move on from GB" I thought we would be at least in the playoffs this season. Now with a very weak backfield, and still tight ends that wash their hands with butter, what makes us better for this year?

I like Favre too much, but i would be happier this year if A-Rod was under center "growing" with this young team, now Favre could go down in burning flames because of no likely support. I like my QB too much for such a bad retirement. But i hope i am wrong, i hope that Jackson turns into a sleeper like Jones-Drew next season.


Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
I'm sorry, if we go into this season with the current RBs, we (more important, Favre) are gonna be teed off on.

I don't see us rushing for 1000 yds AS A TEAM with the current guys.

I'll take you up on that bet.


May 1, 2006
Reaction score
I get to voice my opinion too. lol. But its about the same as everyone else. I actually like the idea of rebuilding, and trying to get "depth" and studs in the draft, just for the fact we were getting old. BUT, big but, is that Favre said that "if TT told him that he was rebuilding and wasnt needed that he would retire or move on from GB" I thought we would be at least in the playoffs this season. Now with a very weak backfield, and still tight ends that wash their hands with butter, what makes us better for this year?

I like Favre too much, but i would be happier this year if A-Rod was under center "growing" with this young team, now Favre could go down in burning flames because of no likely support. I like my QB too much for such a bad retirement. But i hope i am wrong, i hope that Jackson turns into a sleeper like Jones-Drew next season.

Yea, i really hope Favre reties or gets traded so i can watch him go out the right way. Not like this. Not on this crap team. We have gotten worse and everyone in our division has improved immensely. Even playing the Lions will be hard games to win. What a joke.


Aug 16, 2005
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axelred13 said:
I'm sorry, if we go into this season with the current RBs, we (more important, Favre) are gonna be teed off on.

I don't see us rushing for 1000 yds AS A TEAM with the current guys.

I'll take you up on that bet.

id also like some action on that.


Jun 7, 2005
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Guadalajara, Mexico
kmac said:
pyledriver80 said:
Great analysis, Pyle. How about some football reasoning behind your opinions? I know you're a football coach and knowledgeable about the game, throw some real arguments at me. "Get real," "TT sucks," and "This is the worst draft ever" are not real arguments. I welcome some smart, thought out opposition to my points.

Why? It's pointless.

This has not been a good draft for THIS years Packers.

I am tired of talking about depth. I am tired of talking about potential. I want to win football games period.

I was told over and over again we were not signing FA cause we were blowing our load on Moss. What Happened? The Patriots want to win, thier is a desire to acheive success RIGHT NOW. We don't have that.

We have fodder, not depth. You guys think depth is any ol' person at any given position. We don't have budding superstars, we have bodies.

You guys will never get it and you will never be able to look at things objectively so I choose just to laugh. You can't seperate your fandon from reality. You want to go on and on about our O-line when the truth is we had to keep a bunch of guys into block because they were incompetent. You want to act like the RB position isn't a dire need because we have BODIES back there. You need quality, not quantity.

There is no sense. This draft has been a disaster. No Moss, No LJ, No Turner, NOTHING!! Our big addition has been FRANK FRIGGIN WALKER!

Keep banking your dreams on unfounded POTENTIAL but there comes a time when you have to win. Ted Thompson days in GB are numbered and the clocks ticking. I for one, can't wait til he goes.

See Pyle I am with you 100% the problem is that it seems that you MUST AGREE and worship Teddy if you dont you are the dumbest peopl on the planet.

Some of TT worshipers used to bash Sherman for doing the same things that they worship in Teddy..

I guess we will have to wait and see if we get 4-12 TT should get fired, if we get 14-2 we all should get banned from every packer forum.

Teddy was very lucky last year we should have ended 6-10 tops we got very very lucky and got 8-8.


Jun 10, 2005
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Little Rock, AR
Well, with all due respect here, I disagree. I do like the receiver from VT. in the fifth round. I think Harrell is a reach at #16. I don't think he's a bad player, but I also don't think he's going to be an impact player. He'll be a nice player, but you get nice players in rounds 2-5. In the first round I want a guy who can start. But then again, this is all opinion and none of us will know for sure until the season starts.
At 16 you get nice players not impact players. This is a good Pick, like Vonnie Holiday that is still showing quality play in the league.


Aug 16, 2005
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packedhouse01 said:
Well, with all due respect here, I disagree. I do like the receiver from VT. in the fifth round. I think Harrell is a reach at #16. I don't think he's a bad player, but I also don't think he's going to be an impact player. He'll be a nice player, but you get nice players in rounds 2-5. In the first round I want a guy who can start. But then again, this is all opinion and none of us will know for sure until the season starts.
At 16 you get nice players not impact players. This is a good Pick, like Vonnie Holiday that is still showing quality play in the league.

b-b-b-but this guy had an injury! which means he wont ever play well ever ever!


Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Guadalajara, Mexico
OregonPackFan said:
I merely pointed out was Randy Moss hasn't been more productive than Driver for the past couple of seasons, when Lare argued Moss was more productive than anyone on our roster. However he was clearly wrong.

Just kind of curious as to where I argued Moss was more productive than anyone else on our roster.

You never did, but I bet that if you take DD and Jennings out of the equaotion, Moss will be more productive than all the rest of owr WR´s combined in yards gained and TD´s.


Mar 25, 2006
Reaction score
Grand Forks, ND
Lare said:
OregonPackFan said:
I merely pointed out was Randy Moss hasn't been more productive than Driver for the past couple of seasons, when Lare argued Moss was more productive than anyone on our roster. However he was clearly wrong.

Just kind of curious as to where I argued Moss was more productive than anyone else on our roster.

You never did, but I bet that if you take DD and Jennings out of the equaotion, Moss will be more productive than all the rest of owr WR´s combined in yards gained and TD´s.

um... duh?


Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
I'm sorry, if we go into this season with the current RBs, we (more important, Favre) are gonna be teed off on.

I don't see us rushing for 1000 yds AS A TEAM with the current guys.

So you're saying that, as a team, we can't average 62 yards a game and be within 129 yards of the worst team in the league last season?

You know what, you're just not allowed to talk about football anymore.


Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Salisbury, NC
I'm sorry, if we go into this season with the current RBs, we (more important, Favre) are gonna be teed off on.

I don't see us rushing for 1000 yds AS A TEAM with the current guys.


Yea, i really hope Favre reties or gets traded so i can watch him go out the right way. Not like this. Not on this crap team. We have gotten worse and everyone in our division has improved immensely. Even playing the Lions will be hard games to win. What a joke.

hey look, the rest of of us took a secret vote.... your not allowed to say "we" or "us" anymore. weve been trying this new thing where we dont talk to idiots... so... sorry. but maybe we can still be friends.
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
I don't get it, so certain people have something against the Jackson pick now because he isn't Ahman Green?

I mean come on, Ahman Green didn't become Ahman Green over night, he was drafted and developed.

Jackson, I really like his style of play, it is EXACTLY what the ZB scheme calls for. This guy makes cutting look as easy as breathing, and he has good hands. On top of that, he is scouted as being a decent blitz picker-upper (Bounty!).

RB isn't that difficult a position to get production out of young guys.

Heck we even had Herron get 100 yards when the O-Line executed the ZB scheme to near perfection.

We'll be fine in the rushing department, and TT deserves credit for shoring that area up.

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