Uyy Karumba...Brett announcement coming

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Aug 13, 2013
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So I take it as hes officially retired now right??


Jul 3, 2014
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Northern IL
Hopefully the retirement ceremony will be in late May, 2015, when TT is on a vacation. One of the few Packer Executives that is facilitating this and pushing it along is Bob Harlan.

"Part of me coming back last year, I have to admit now, was sticking it to Ted,'' ~ Brett Favre

With Ted's new contract extension I'd be OK with TT "sticking it" to Favre and having him wait until 2020 to get into the Packer Hall of Fame. My planned HOF trip will definitely be BEFORE next summer.

E. Wolf

Sep 11, 2013
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The guy has a private jet, and he cannot even bother to show up in person, but phones it in.
Everyone here knows my position. As I have stated before, I am pretty much resigned to this happening. What I am not resigned to happening is absolute, lockstep adoration for a man who wanted the Minnesota Vikings to be Super Bowl Champions and tried to **** over our team in every way possible. Again, and it seems this has to be repeated as a mantra, people who cheer for this man are cheering for someone who not just wanted but did everything in his power to make the Vikings Super Bowl Champions and **** us over in one fell stroke. I am also pretty sure he was also gnashing his teeth when we won Super Bowl XLV. And you people cheer for him.
As I have also stated before, I am hopeful that a sizable contingent of fans, representing those legions of us who are not so forgiving, will not be so obliging and make themselves known on any day he returns, by booing or jeering, and bringing posters and banners that denounce this man and his ultimate betrayal. That will at least be a small taste of *** for tat.
If that should not happen, if we should be represented--in monolothic and absolute fashion--as a wishy-washy, milquetoast bunch who KISS THE *** OF SOMEONE WHO TRIED TO DESTROY US, I will be ASHAMED to be a Packers fan.
One story I have not yet shared, which might give some insight into how we are perceived by other parts of the country where you actually have to have some edge to get by in life. After the 2009-2010 season, after we only just narrowly averted absolute disaster on par with a zombie apocalypse, a coworker learned of my fanatical support for the Packers. He asked me what I thought of you-know-who. In the conversation, he commented n disbelief and disgust, that Packer fans were actually cheering for a man who made it his ******** mission in life to beat us. My response was that my recollection of the November First Return to Lambeau consisted of far more many boos and jeers. But he is right, how shameful it IS that some of us were cheering for a man donning the uniform of the F***ING ENEMY, in a personal vendetta to ruin us. And how shameful it would be if all of us to a man were to simply turn our cheek and act as if it is ok. It is not okay, and it will never be ok.
Yes we won the Super Bowl, yes he failed--but only just so. The number of circumstances for each to have happened is truly daunting indeed: 12th man penalty and interception, then a Vikings touchdown recalled in the first 2010 game (controversial but most seem to think that was wrong), both Lions winning at Tampa Bay (for the first time in forever and eternity) and the Second Miracle at Meadowlands that then put the Giants and Packers in a de facto playoff game at Lambeau that yours truly witnessed, a last second interception by Tramon Williams in Philly, the Spill-It Pickett fumble without which the Steelers would likely have taken the lead and probably won. Just because a jilted lover leaves you and f**ks your sworn enemy and--in the bargain-points a gun at your head and fires only just missing, does not negate how freakishly lucky your sorry *** is OR the fact that a gun was aimed at you and fired.
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E. Wolf

Sep 11, 2013
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Hopefully the retirement ceremony will be in late May, 2015, when TT is on a vacation. One of the few Packer Executives that is facilitating this and pushing it along is Bob Harlan.

"Part of me coming back last year, I have to admit now, was sticking it to Ted,'' ~ Brett Favre

With Ted's new contract extension I'd be OK with TT "sticking it" to Favre and having him wait until 2020 to get into the Packer Hall of Fame. My planned HOF trip will definitely be BEFORE next summer.

The ironic thing is that TT was actually somewhat sympathetic to the guy when it all done, commenting that we have to understand how it is for him and not forget who he is or what he is done. The real animus is between Four and McCarthy. McCarthy was and is right.

Green and Gold

Sep 15, 2013
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Cue the "I'm comin' home" montage.

I'm so happy he's finally getting what he deserves. Can't wait for the day he makes it into Canton.


Aug 7, 2013
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The guy has a private jet, and he cannot even bother to show up in person, but phones it in.
Everyone here knows my position... (BS snipped for brevity) NO TO RECONCILIATION!

Tantrum much? You need some serious perspective on life.

E. Wolf

Sep 11, 2013
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Tantrum much? You need some serious perspective on life.
Perspective? No, I simply have the intellectual and emotional constitution above that of a rodeo bull who cannot stay focused on anything for more than five seconds. Forgive and forget, that's what dumb animals do, like rodeo bulls who are trying to kill the guy riding him, and then, as soon as they see the rodeo clown distracting him, are focused on the rodeo clown.
Stay focused, people, on what this man tried to do: deliver the Vikings their first Lombardi and ruin our team. THis is a man who did not want the Packers to win Super Bowl XLV. Just ask Brian Urlacher and those Bears players he told to beat us.


Mar 11, 2014
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Congratulations Brett and thanks for all the thrills you gave Packer fans, you gave 110% effort for every team you played for, and yes sometimes that was a team other than the Packers. Undoubtedly though we were the beneficiary of the vast vast portion of you unsurpassed effort and seldom matched talent. True sports fans everywhere admire you, but only Packer fans can truly claim you as our own. Ignore the few boo birds, and welcome home!


Aug 7, 2013
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Perspective? No, I simply have the intellectual and emotional constitution above that of a rodeo bull who cannot stay focused on anything for more than five seconds. Forgive and forget, that's what dumb animals do.

Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. You sound like an angry 12 year old. BTW, someone with a high intellect would not refer to a rodeo bull as "who."

Stay focused, people, on what this man tried to do: deliver the Vikings their first Lombardi

Well, that IS what they were paying him to do... so... you know, there's that.:rolleyes:

and ruin our team.

Whoa... ease up a bit partner. You're teetering on the psychotic side of the line there.

THis is a man who did not want the Packers to win Super Bowl XLV. Just ask Brian Urlacher and those Bears players he told to beat us.

Yeah, you see that was a comment made on the field right after the Bears had beaten them. It's something players do frequently. BTW, if you had a clue as to what you were talking about, you'd know is was PEPPERS he said that to, not Urlacher.




Mar 29, 2008
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QLB / Germany
Hopefully the retirement ceremony will be in late May, 2015, when TT is on a vacation. One of the few Packer Executives that is facilitating this and pushing it along is Bob Harlan.

"Part of me coming back last year, I have to admit now, was sticking it to Ted,'' ~ Brett Favre

With Ted's new contract extension I'd be OK with TT "sticking it" to Favre and having him wait until 2020 to get into the Packer Hall of Fame. My planned HOF trip will definitely be BEFORE next summer.

doesn't make much sense because it's closed until next summer.

I like the idea to put Favre into the Packers HoF and to retire #4 before he'll enter Canton in 2016. Thinking of Favre is always remembering all the effort he gave, the unbelivable ups and downs over those years. It's much less thinking of seeing him play for the Jets and/or Queens.

E. Wolf

Sep 11, 2013
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lies falsehoods and personal attacks cut out

Actually, "who" is correct for animals, depending which guide you refer to, and whether the name or gender is known and I believe (but could be mistaken) on whether one is using American or British English. I often veer to the latter, such as using they for Packers. See eg here as just one google search result:

Whether to use who or that is certainly no barometer of intellect, you silly goose, especially on an informal message board where messages are often hastily composed with little or no proofreading.
Is that really the best you have, that I used who rather than that for a bull?
Am I psychotic, or simply passionate and remember all too well how we were all looking down the barrel of a gun, how we were all standing on the razors edge. At least those of us who are true Packers fans and did not turn on our colors.
Whether it was Peppers or Urlacher or both is a mere detail and of no consequence. I seem to recall hearing that it was both Peppers and Urlacher. Bottom line is he told a Bear player, or more likely several Bears in the plural to beat us. That means he did not want us to win Super Bowl XLV.
Just like you Favreist turncoat scum to obfuscate matters, just as you carry on with false analogies and lies. You know, like the lie that what he did is no different than when Lombardi went to the Redskins, overlooking the absence of any rivalry between the two teams or any explicitly declared vendetta, or that it is no different than Montana going to the Chiefs, even though there is no rivalry and indeed the two teams are in different conferences.
I have heard it all before--the false analogies, the one liners more fitting for spoiled daddy's girl teenage princeesses like "grow up" or "get it over" that sound just as if they were uttered by some valley girl.
And as for what they are paid to do? Again obfuscating the fact this was part of some sordid personal vendetta, that it is just business, when it clearly was not. Or suggesting that Packer victory or defeat, or the victory or defeat of our most hated rival "ain't no big deal." It is just a game, right? No it's not--the Packers are a very important part of my life and the life of millions just like me. And if you or anyone else were to utter such insolence in many bar settings things would get ugly fast.
And as for ruining our team, watch Last Day at Lambeau. Get a little refresher on the toxic environment of 2008. Although that film is a little sanitized, not mentioning for instance little kids cursing out Rodgers. Had there not been that 12th man penalty, the interception most likely would never have been thrown. Longwell makes that field goal in all probability, given his track record in 50 plus yarders. And since Peyton manning is an even greater choke artists and that the Saints beat the Colts, that is the only difference preventing the Vikings winning the Super Bowl. And had that happened, the outcry and backlash would have made 2008 look like a walk in the park. I doubt very much the Packers could win a Super Bowl, and I suspect McCarthy and Thompson would have been run out of town, which I believe was his ultimate objective.
This is the reality and because I have the capacity to actually remember wrongdoing I will not forget.
You and your kind can carry on with your usual distortions, embellishments, and falsehoods. I have heard it all, and heard it all for far too long. Which is another reason I hate this man's guts. He instigated a Civil War in Packerland and afflicted us with the likes of turncoats and his insufferable band of pandering, slobbering lapdogs who never go away.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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I know that it is part of tradition and all that jazz, but I really and honestly cannot believe at how the Packers are just going to sweep his betrayal under the rug like this as if nothing ever happened.
Seeing how so much hatred and anger is still felt towards the ****** by the MAJORITY of fans on here, that is probably how the MAJORITY of Packers fans feel everywhere towards the interception and fumble king.
It's too bad that the Packers organization will go ahead and honor this traitor to them while ignoring the possible wishes of the majority of those who invested their 200+ dollars to support them.
Not only did BrINT stab you in the back but in some ways the Packers organization is just stepping on the knife to make sure that it goes in deeper.

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Congratulations Brett and thanks for all the thrills you gave Packer fans, you gave 110% effort for every team you played for, and yes sometimes that was a team other than the Packers. Undoubtedly though we were the beneficiary of the vast vast portion of you unsurpassed effort and seldom matched talent. True sports fans everywhere admire you, but only Packer fans can truly claim you as our own. Ignore the few boo birds, and welcome home!
Be honest.
Did he excite or let you down more?

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Boy! He sure was awesome, wasn't he?
Especially if you were a fan of the teams he played against!

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He holds the records for most interceptions and most fumbles.
He let us down time and time and time again!!!

Forget Favre

Dec 28, 2009
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Forget Favre,

Thank you.

I don't get it either how there can still be Packer backers who are still fans of his. Not only for his betrayal but also after all those playoff losses where he just let us down time and time again.

I take great solace in the way he was booed when he returned in purple and that he blew it for the Vikes.

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E. Wolf

Sep 11, 2013
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A soundtrack for the Civil War that rages on in Packerland: Civil War by Funker Vogt. This EBM-aggrotech from Germany can be best described as distilled anger, rage and aggression:

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