Turn Your Back On Favre


Aug 6, 2009
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With all respect.....you don't know anything about me except that I'm not as big of a fan of Favre as you are. And you may be right....only 3% of the teams win a Super Bowl in any given year so you've got a 97"% chance of being right about that.

I can't predict the future like some people here, so I don't know if we'll miss the playoffs, make the playoffs, advance in the playoffs or win it all. But what I do know is that this is a very strong team that we have for 2009 and I DO feel sorry for any Packer fan who can't see that because of either ignorance or an unreasoning hatred of the man who has assembled the team.

I think I know plenty about you. For one, you are a TT apologist and when you can't reason an argument you call people ignorant.


Jan 5, 2006
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Just South of Hell
I think I know plenty about you. For one, you are a TT apologist and when you can't reason an argument you call people ignorant.

I defy you to find one single post where I have either apologized for TT or called anybody ignorant. You're just making stuff up now.


Sep 30, 2008
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Rodgers deserved to be in the pro bowl, no doubt about it. I understand that the QB is the leader of the team, but much of their 6-10 record falls on the lack of defense. Rodgers put up good numbers b/c he played great. My point is that Favre got in based on his name, not what he did. Stats are a way of judging who is productive or not. Just because a QB's team gets to the super bowl or playoffs it does not mean that the QB played well. I just think that Rodgers was shunned b/c it was his first productive year. Time will tell, but I think the Packer fans will have egg on their face for booing the guy.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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I think I know plenty about you. For one, you are a TT apologist and when you can't reason an argument you call people ignorant.

I defy you to find one single post where I have either apologized for TT or called anybody ignorant. You're just making stuff up now.

He can show you proof

Right pbateman?

You wouldnt just toss something out there with out solid proof, I know I wouldnt


Jan 5, 2006
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Just South of Hell
I'll tell you what lame-o stuff he'll trot out as "proof".

He'll point to some post where I said I thought Thompson was doing a good job, or where I supported something he did as being in the best long-term interest of the team and say "See...you're an apologist".

And then he'll go to the post where I said " I love it when people celebrate ignorance as something that's good" because a poster had said "I don't know anything about the Football Scientist"(He has his own publication, own website, writes for ESPN and is a regular on radio sports talk shows).

And that'll be it. No context, no attempt to understand, nothing. He'd rather just label me as an Apologist and name-caller than actually try to contest the validity of my beliefs.


Aug 6, 2009
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I'll tell you what lame-o stuff he'll trot out as "proof".

He'll point to some post where I said I thought Thompson was doing a good job, or where I supported something he did as being in the best long-term interest of the team and say "See...you're an apologist".

And then he'll go to the post where I said " I love it when people celebrate ignorance as something that's good" because a poster had said "I don't know anything about the Football Scientist"(He has his own publication, own website, writes for ESPN and is a regular on radio sports talk shows).

And that'll be it. No context, no attempt to understand, nothing. He'd rather just label me as an Apologist and name-caller than actually try to contest the validity of my beliefs.

Did you or did you not blame ignorance on people not seeing that we have a strong team this year? See below...your words, not mine.

"But what I do know is that this is a very strong team that we have for 2009 and I DO feel sorry for any Packer fan who can't see that because of either ignorance or an unreasoning hatred of the man who has assembled the team."


Jan 5, 2006
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Just South of Hell
Did you or did you not blame ignorance on people not seeing that we have a strong team this year? See below...your words, not mine.

"But what I do know is that this is a very strong team that we have for 2009 and I DO feel sorry for any Packer fan who can't see that because of either ignorance or an unreasoning hatred of the man who has assembled the team."

That's it?? That's what you brought??

I said I felt sorry for anybody who couldn't see that the Packers were a strong team this year because of ignorance or unreasoning hatred. Who am I calling ignorant?

It's called reading closely. Try it sometime.


Aug 6, 2009
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That's it?? That's what you brought??

I said I felt sorry for anybody who couldn't see that the Packers were a strong team this year because of ignorance or unreasoning hatred. Who am I calling ignorant?

It's called reading closely. Try it sometime.

Frankly, I don't have time to pull all of your obnoxious posts and you're not really worth the time anyway. I'll check back with you when TT's Packers go 7-9.


Jan 5, 2006
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Just South of Hell
Frankly, I don't have time to pull all of your obnoxious posts and you're not really worth the time anyway. I'll check back with you when TT's Packers go 7-9.

No, but you have time to make things up and be insulting to me. You don't have time to read carefully or respect the truth. You don't have time to do research, but you do have time to make unsubstantiated attacks.

By all means, continue until it's apparent to everybody what you do, and don't, have time for.


Aug 26, 2008
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***** Gorda, FL
Most Packer fans liked Favre a lot when he played in GB. But a lot of fans are not pleased he is playing for a divisional rival and consider him the enemy, along with Cutler in Chicago and Stafford/Culpepper in Detroit. In a few years after BF is retired for good and wounds are healed he'll return to Lambeau and back into the fold.


Mar 29, 2006
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Are you the one posting ( on the Favre site) that if there was an
open competition right now Brett Favre would beat out Aaron Rodgers??

No...but I agree with that sentiment.

Favre's ability to read defenses alone far outweighs young Aaron's abilities, and your desire to paint Favre as an old, broken down, has-been QB is just a projected fantasy of you Packer "fans"...or I should say, Ted Thompson fans....

You'll see..

I'm curious LT...Why do you hang around the Favre site so much if you dislke the man, and think he's a has been?


Oct 19, 2007
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No...but I agree with that sentiment.

Favre's ability to read defenses alone far outweighs young Aaron's abilities, and your desire to paint Favre as an old, broken down, has-been QB is just a projected fantasy of you Packer "fans"...or I should say, Ted Thompson fans....

I don't think Favre is any better at reading the D than any other QB. Heck, he came to GB and didn't even know what the Nickel D was. How do you become a NFL QB and NOT know that!? Blew me away. Considering he has one of the highest INT ratios, that makes me believe he CAN'T read defenses as well as he should and relies too much on the strength of his arm.

If Favre had a weaker arm, he probably would have had an even higher INT ratio because the ball was thrown so hard it was difficult for the defensive backs to catch in the 0-15 yard range. Seems like Favre's deep balls were questionable with way too many of those picked off, seemingly at ease by the D-backs. When Favre hefted a deep ball, I always was bracing for a pick.


Sep 30, 2008
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Well said Murgen. Not many QB's in the league are playing at Rodgers level at this point in time. Manning and Brady are rated ahead based on what they have done (track record). I think when the season is over Rodgers will be the #2 rated QB in the league, not behind old Brett, but behind Drew B. I don't think Favre at this point in his career would have a shot at beeting out Rodgers. Right now in order for Favre to even have a shot he would have to be playing at a level he did back in the mid 1990's. Let's get real, Favre is at the end of his career and Rodgers is just getting started. The sky is the limit for this guy and it is sad that many "fans" won't support him. Favre would have to work hard to "win" the starting job in Cleveland. A guy that can read defenses so well, and is such a walking fountain of knowledge does not hold the all time record for interceptions.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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No...but I agree with that sentiment.

Favre's ability to read defenses alone far outweighs young Aaron's abilities, and your desire to paint Favre as an old, broken down, has-been QB is just a projected fantasy of you Packer "fans"...or I should say, Ted Thompson fans....

You'll see..

I'm curious LT...Why do you hang around the Favre site so much if you dislke the man, and think he's a has been?

I dont hang around it..I have spies LOL


Dec 22, 2008
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Porto Alegre, Brazil
Well said Murgen. Not many QB's in the league are playing at Rodgers level at this point in time. Manning and Brady are rated ahead based on what they have done (track record). I think when the season is over Rodgers will be the #2 rated QB in the league, not behind old Brett, but behind Drew B. I don't think Favre at this point in his career would have a shot at beeting out Rodgers. Right now in order for Favre to even have a shot he would have to be playing at a level he did back in the mid 1990's. Let's get real, Favre is at the end of his career and Rodgers is just getting started. The sky is the limit for this guy and it is sad that many "fans" won't support him. Favre would have to work hard to "win" the starting job in Cleveland. A guy that can read defenses so well, and is such a walking fountain of knowledge does not hold the all time record for interceptions.
I think Rodgers is a top 5 qb, but Brady and Manning are ahead, that's for sure. They're just that good, and until Rodgers wins some SBs, or starts beating records, like Manning and Brady did, he doesn't deserve that kind of comparison. Specially with Brady, that played for most of his life with only serviceable Wrs, and still managed to become Captain Comeback, and win 3 SBs. Manning is one of the best of all time, but his constant losses to the Chargers in playoffs kind of damages his reputation as a clutch qb...


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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No...but I agree with that sentiment.

Favre's ability to read defenses alone far outweighs young Aaron's abilities, and your desire to paint Favre as an old, broken down, has-been QB is just a projected fantasy of you Packer "fans"...or I should say, Ted Thompson fans....

You'll see..

Show me where I said he was old and broken down?

And I hate to hash over old crap from the obf site, but just because I agreed with Ted dumping of Brett does not mean that I am a fan..I wanted at least Brett the chance to have a competition with Rodgers..That was just a stupid as move, as was Brett going on Greta and pushing Ted and Mike under the bus and wanting his job back...

On 2nd thought....that actually was a smart move on Bretts part..People will say you can't go back to them now after bashing them, you will have to play elsewhere..And he probably knew the Packers would react same way..But it backfired for one year..He got shipped to the Jets and not Minny like he wanted..You recall the pilot/business partner posting that Brett would be coming out of the tunnel on that MNF game vs the Vikings out of the other tunnel..that was WAY before any crap was out in the press..so my gut feeling is Brett wass trying to get to Minny way before he told the Packers he wanted back..

Ted has done things that ticked me off, just as much as the things he has done that made me happy..Right now I think the stuff he has done that I agree with outweighs the things I dont agree with...

I think Brett was trying to much to be the GM and was allowed to be that way from the Sherman years and I don't agree with that..

Now can he make suggestions? HELL yeah he can and he should.....but to get all pissy when they didn't happen, is just a whiner in my eyes.

Instead of going to Ted and explaining he had issues, he held onto those feelings and never went to Ted and said hey your pissing me off..( the talk on the back porch, Brett thinking why do I want the locker) but tells Ted sure Ted that's great..WHY?? tell the man how you felt about it..Yet wants Ted to be honest with him?

If he and Ted would have said what they thought from the get go, NONE of this would have happened


Sep 30, 2008
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PackersRS, I agree with you. Manning is great, but Rodgers played better last year and Brady did not have a chance to put up the numbers. I guess Rodgers has a way to go, but he should take a huge step towards earning respect this year.


Dec 22, 2008
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Porto Alegre, Brazil
PackersRS, I agree with you. Manning is great, but Rodgers played better last year and Brady did not have a chance to put up the numbers. I guess Rodgers has a way to go, but he should take a huge step towards earning respect this year.
He had better numbers... I disagree he played better though. BUT he shouldn't have earned tha MVP award. Not even close. That was one of the biggest BS I've seen. That and Favre going to the pro bowl. And DeAngelo Williams not going. And Rivers not going. Man, those votings are a bunch of crap...
And about Arod, it's just pre-season, but looking at him, his poise, his chemistry with his receivers. Last year he showed he had the accuracy and arm strenght to be a franchise qb. But this year he's showing, at least for now, that he's the man. I was very critic of him holding the ball forever last year, when there was an open checkdown receiver. And he admitted he only looked at half the field during plays. Guess it's easier for a young Qb to have sucess if he doesn't have to concentrate on too much. But these games, and during TC, he has been on a different level. I'm a big believer he can be an All-Pro. But Manning and Brady are just at a different level. First ballot HoF qbs in their prime. That's what we're talking about. Ok, maybe Manning is declining a bit, doesn't have his go-to-guy anymore (although Reggie Wayne is spetacular, and Gonzales is pretty good), and has a different OC and HC for the first time in years. But even then, If you had to choose 1 guy to start your franchise with, right now, the discussion would be bewteen Manning and Brady, and nobody else.
Oh, and he already has the respect of the entire league, BELIEVE ME. A lot of experts say that he's in the discussion of the top 5 qbs, and one AFC scout said that after this year, he'll be considered the best young qb (under 30) of the league. That's not too shabby. (When I find the link to that story, I'll post it here)


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
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Hey D.Levens

Why hide behind a name?

Or just to much of a wuss to tell me who you are? Rather keep it secret ? thats so cute!

wizard 87

Old Enough To Know Better
Sep 6, 2008
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No...but I agree with that sentiment.

Favre's ability to read defenses alone far outweighs young Aaron's abilities, and your desire to paint Favre as an old, broken down, has-been QB is just a projected fantasy of you Packer "fans"...or I should say, Ted Thompson fans....

You'll see..

I'm curious LT...Why do you hang around the Favre site so much if you dislke the man, and think he's a has been?

That's crazy. Fan of Favre or not he is 40 years old with a bad wing. He couldn't beat out a prime QB in a one on one contest and frankly he has scoffed at the idea publicly.
I gotta ask guys...who cares anymore:unsure: Favre is gone and Rodgers is playing lights out ???

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