all about da packers
I'm interested in knowing why this guy was re-hired. I have it on a source that one of the big factors in why Roman wants out is because Schottenheimer was rehired, and the fact that the two don't like each other, which leads Roman to be worried that Kurt will favour Manuel start. The source also told me Roman is a LITTLE hurt, not extremely hurt, over the signing of Manuel, but that isn't the sole reason he wants out. Roman is confident in his abilities, and my source told me Roman isn't as bad as people say he is, and it says something that he beat out Freeman/ Little last year.
So my question is why has McCarthy rehired Kurt, when the facts prove that he isn't a good DB coach? (I'll try to get an answer, but there are a few of you who have more connections then I do, so I would be interested in your replies)
So my question is why has McCarthy rehired Kurt, when the facts prove that he isn't a good DB coach? (I'll try to get an answer, but there are a few of you who have more connections then I do, so I would be interested in your replies)