P@ck66 said:
do you not remember the kicks longwell missed and blamed on others? do you not also remember the games we lost by 6 or less points? how soon we forget. figure it out, chamuko, ur sounding like a retard in your last two posts. i understand you want a FA signing of mass proportions but free agency hasnt even been going on for 24 hours. and if you didnt know, free agency is more than a 24 hour thing, but i dont think u knew that.
Gee..this is funny TT-romadz..
JWalk and Longwell are the next best thing to sliced bread until TT f***s up and you see them walk, and then trash them endlessly because you feel it's some kind of insult to the Packers for them to leave......
But I'll tell you what's not funny...What is not funny is that TT hasn't yet made a move (other than Kampman..big whoop..), and we're watching a mass exodus of Packer stars going to other teams...
Once again, i find it funny you reply to MY post only, you stalking shitheel.
But first of all, i never said longwell was the best thing since sliced bread, or anything like that. actually, ive been criticizing him heavilly since the end of the season. I defended him during the year, but when it was all over, reviewing all of his whining,excuses,plain shanks, I decided he needed to go, and said it multiple times since. So as usual, you are wrong,.
TT hasnt made a move except kampman? and the safety manuel. Its not a great move, but its still a move you neglected, to help your point. Its not good to ignore\change facts just to help your opinion. it means your opinion is faulty and that the person saying it is probably a ******. Hmm...I think that works in this situation.
Stop responding to my posts, tool. there are plenty of other people here who post, and agree with a subject i do, respond to theirs.
Ryan, get that ignore feature up! Ill pay you, ill be a packer supporter, i cant take this tool anymore! adiaugdahd! im drunK! Go White Rusiians!