MLB Team Salaries and Results


Opinions are like A-holes, we all have one.
Oct 30, 2012
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Madison, WI
Before I post anything, I will profess to not knowing a lot about the MLB pay structure. All I know is that while MLB does not have a set salary cap, the luxury tax charges teams with high payrolls a considerable amount of money, giving teams ample reason to want to keep their payrolls below that level. But if you look at the disparity between the teams with the highest payrolls and those with the lowest, the "tax" doesn't create the more equal playing field that the NFL sees with their Cap.

LEAGUE AVERAGE: $136,602,155


1 Boston Red Sox - $229,121,106
2 Chicago Cubs - $218,090,085
3 New York Yankees - $218,025,005
4 Los Angeles Dodgers - $200,600,814
5 San Francisco Giants - $173,069,310
6 Houston Astros - $168,304,925
7 Washington Nationals - $167,714,782
8 St. Louis Cardinals - $164,152,164
9 Los Angeles Angels - $160,216,673
10 New York Mets - $158,816,800
11 Philadelphia Phillies - $156,631,276
12 Colorado Rockies - $156,582,629
13 Seattle Mariners - $143,384,319
14 Atlanta Braves - $137,667,301
15 Texas Rangers - $128,892,642
16 Milwaukee Brewers - $128,614,019
17 Cincinnati Reds - $128,391,569
18 Minnesota Twins - $124,756,003
19 Cleveland Indians - $121,539,883
20 Arizona Diamondbacks - $116,127,905
21 Detroit Tigers - $114,592,059
22 Toronto Blue Jays - $111,293,939
23 San Diego Padres - $102,444,790
24 Kansas City Royals - $100,773,003
25 Oakland Athletics - $93,138,395
26 Chicago White Sox - $91,371,201
27 Miami Marlins - $75,151,271
28 Baltimore Orioles - $73,334,301
29 Pittsburgh Pirates - $72,098,890
30 Tampa Bay Rays - $63,167,594

Current Records (best to worst) with rank of spending
  1. Yankees (3)
  2. Astros (6)
  3. Dodgers(4)
  4. Twins (18)
  5. Braves (14)
  6. A's (25)
  7. Rays (30)
  8. Indians (19)
  9. Cardinals (8)
  10. Nationals (7)
  11. Brewers (16)
  12. Cubs (2)
  13. Red Sox (1)
  14. Phillies (11)
  15. Mets (10)
After collecting all these numbers and getting to team #15, I decided to stop LOL :oops::laugh:

Not really sure where this post is or was going to go, now that I have done all this. I was going to try and make the point that the Brewers, despite being in the middle of the pack as far as spending goes, have done a great job with what they have done. Which I guess is true, but the same could be said for the Rays, Twins, A's, Braves and Indians. Whereas big spenders like the Red Sox, Giants, Angels, Rockies and I would put the Cubs in there, have spent a ton of money, without equally good results.

I doubt it will ever happen and if it does, I probably won't fully understand it, but it would be nice to see better restraints put on Roster Spending in MLB. Had it not been for the Salary Cap in the NFL, I have to wonder just where the Packers would be.