Favre's last throw

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Nov 25, 2005
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We played the opposite of the week before. We seemed ready, and on our game against Seattle, but against the Giants, nothing.


Jun 15, 2007
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Either way, it just bothers me to think that Eli Manning and Plexiglass where able to make it look easier the Greg Jennings, Brett Favre, and Donald Driver.

Do I think they are actually more talented then our bunch? No. which just leads me to believe that maybe, just maybe the giants wanted it more . . coaching staff included.


That, and I think they underestimated the Giants....


Aug 16, 2005
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Fuzznuts is just annoying. Of course it's easier to look back on and obviously the ball is already in the air during this pictures. That's probably why it's circled. However, I would have rather him just take a sack. We, as fans, have every reason to analyze this play, and any others for as long as we want, really, especially since it hasn't even been a WEEK since the game. It's not really beating a dead horse, it's just discussion. If this discussion bothers you Fuzznuts, then ignore it and go elsewhere. Your cynical comments will not stop anyone from discussing things.

Favre made a bad throw. Does that mean that we don't like Favre in any way? No, it doesn't. It's just simply truth. If one doesn't accept and learn from the past, they are destined to repeat the same mistakes in the future. It's the off season and we don't have a whole lot else to discuss right now anyway.

I for one thank wils for posting this picture. I think it is very neat and would love to see more photos like this of different key plays. I love Favre to death, but some people are just a little too "homer" with him and I can definitely understand why non-packer fans get sick of hearing about him. Like the old cliche states, a quarterbacks greatness is measured by what he does in the playoffs, and Favre didn't live up to his great season in this game. Say what you will about the weather, his age, the giants d, it really doesn't matter. A great quarterback will make it happen one way or another. I DO believe Favre is still great, but in the 2nd half of this game, he was not. Plain and simple.

With that being said, here's to next year!



Jun 15, 2007
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DoddPower said:
Fuzznuts is just annoying. Of course it's easier to look back on and obviously the ball is already in the air during this pictures. That's probably why it's circled. However, I would have rather him just take a sack. We, as fans, have every reason to analyze this play, and any others for as long as we want, really, especially since it hasn't even been a WEEK since the game. It's not really beating a dead horse, it's just discussion. If this discussion bothers you Fuzznuts, then ignore it and go elsewhere. Your cynical comments will not stop anyone from discussing things.

Favre made a bad throw. Does that mean that we don't like Favre in any way? No, it doesn't. It's just simply truth. If one doesn't accept and learn from the past, they are destined to repeat the same mistakes in the future. It's the off season and we don't have a whole lot else to discuss right now anyway.

I for one thank wils for posting this picture. I think it is very neat and would love to see more photos like this of different key plays. I love Favre to death, but some people are just a little too "homer" with him and I can definitely understand why non-packer fans get sick of hearing about him. Like the old cliche states, a quarterbacks greatness is measured by what he does in the playoffs, and Favre didn't live up to his great season in this game. Say what you will about the weather, his age, the giants d, it really doesn't matter. A great quarterback will make it happen one way or another. I DO believe Favre is still great, but in the 2nd half of this game, he was not. Plain and simple.

With that being said, here's to next year!


I can do that too..! What's your point?

and Dodd, if you think Tom Brady and Peyton Manning can win games by themselves without their team winning the individual battles around them...well, then I guess you haven't watched much football...

How did Peyton do this year?

How did Brady do against the Chargers?

Maroney won that game for them....That, and stupid playcalling by SanDiego's offensive coordinator...

But yeah...Brett's susposed to be superman i guess...when his team and coaches are falling apart and crumbling around him, giving him no support whatsoever.

That makes sense....



Nick Perry is watching you, NFL QB's!
Apr 27, 2007
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Raleigh, N.C
tromadz said:
DoddPower said:
Fuzznuts is just annoying. Of course it's easier to look back on and obviously the ball is already in the air during this pictures. That's probably why it's circled. However, I would have rather him just take a sack. We, as fans, have every reason to analyze this play, and any others for as long as we want, really, especially since it hasn't even been a WEEK since the game. It's not really beating a dead horse, it's just discussion. If this discussion bothers you Fuzznuts, then ignore it and go elsewhere. Your cynical comments will not stop anyone from discussing things.

Favre made a bad throw. Does that mean that we don't like Favre in any way? No, it doesn't. It's just simply truth. If one doesn't accept and learn from the past, they are destined to repeat the same mistakes in the future. It's the off season and we don't have a whole lot else to discuss right now anyway.

I for one thank wils for posting this picture. I think it is very neat and would love to see more photos like this of different key plays. I love Favre to death, but some people are just a little too "homer" with him and I can definitely understand why non-packer fans get sick of hearing about him. Like the old cliche states, a quarterbacks greatness is measured by what he does in the playoffs, and Favre didn't live up to his great season in this game. Say what you will about the weather, his age, the giants d, it really doesn't matter. A great quarterback will make it happen one way or another. I DO believe Favre is still great, but in the 2nd half of this game, he was not. Plain and simple.

With that being said, here's to next year!


I can do that too..! What's your point?

and Dodd, if you think Tom Brady and Peyton Manning can win games by themselves without their team winning the individual battles around them...well, then I guess you haven't watched much football...

How did Peyton do this year?

How did Brady do against the Chargers?

Maroney won that game for them....That, and stupid playcalling by SanDiego's offensive coordinator...

But yeah...Brett's susposed to be superman i guess...when his team and coaches are falling apart and crumbling around him, giving him no support whatsoever.

That makes sense....


Dude, you're clueless. Can you even read? Not once did I say it was TOTALLY Favre's fault that we lost that game. However, Favre and his TEAM got into overtime and hadnt been beat yet. It is then the quarterbacks responsibility to not LOSE the game for his team (in my opinion) that despite not playing very well all game, was still just as much in his hands as the giants. It was cold, it was windy, and it was OVERTIME. If there's ever a time to make risky throws, that's not it. You have to be more then careful not to make a very bad decision or you know the results.

I don't think anyone gives Eli Manning all the credit for winning the game. His teams need lots of credit, too. However, he did not lose the game for the giants. He made good throws and put the ball where the defenders couldn't get it. Favre made bad decisions for most the game. Bottom line. Who knows, even if we would have went three and out in overtime, we could have had a repeat of the Seahawks game a few years back and scored a pick six.

Peyton didn't do well this year. He made lots of bad decisions himself. That's why they were one and out.

Brady made pretty bad decisions in his three interception game against the chargers. However, in crunch time, he checked down enough and they ran the ball well enough to not lose the game.

All quarterbacks make bad decisions. It's part of it. But sometimes you just have to be as careful as possible not to turn the ball over. If there is wind and it's super cold, don't take a chance. Sometimes taking a sack is better. Or check down, scramble, slide, whatever. Of course quarterbacks in the NFL have to throw in tight coverage. That's rhetorical. But one has to keep the conditions in mind as well and know that even if a throw is "perfect" that it might not work out. Favre has played long enough to know such. I will admit that some of that blame can definitely be put on the coaching staff for the playcalling though.

I'm definitely not one to say that Favre is a superman. I think he CAN be really good, but he can also collapse under pressure. It happens, and the quarterback who handled THAT game better is going to the super bowl.

End of story.


Jun 15, 2007
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Do you even READ what you post?

Thanks for the laugh...

Way to contra****t yourself, Dodd...

Favre had over 100 passer rating in the first half, but according to your inane analysis, he sucked the whole game.

Try again, Viking fan..


Nick Perry is watching you, NFL QB's!
Apr 27, 2007
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Raleigh, N.C

Do you even READ what you post?

Thanks for the laugh...

Way to contra****t yourself, Dodd...

Favre had over 100 passer rating in the first half, but according to your inane analysis, he sucked the whole game.

Try again, Viking fan..

Say what you will buddy, but it really doesn't matter to me what he did the first half. A game is four quarters, not two. Just because he played well in the 2nd half really means nothing unless he at least plays decent in the 2nd. I care about the end result of the ball game, and how we got there.

You take your 100+ rating for Favre in the 1st half of a championship game. I'd much rather take my favorite TEAM having a win.

Vikings fan. Ok . . cool guy.

Fuzznuts for mod.


Nick Perry is watching you, NFL QB's!
Apr 27, 2007
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Raleigh, N.C
And by the way, you can say I'm expecting too much by expecting our Pro Bowl future hall of fame quarterback to not throw an interception in overtime in the opponents territory, but I disagree.

Maybe that's just expecting too much though.

Stuff happens . . yeah. But talk about bad timing.


Nov 4, 2007
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Lambeau Field
Here it is with the ball still in Favre's hand, he's just about to throw it.

You must be logged in to see this image or video!


Jun 15, 2007
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Everyone's covered.

Grant is just breaking open, but Favre's already in his wind up. It was a touch pass that he was trying to throw to a spot on the field on a cold and windy night....

Actually...everyone seems kind of deep for these conditions.

It was a bad call, and a tough throw to make in those conditions....

(Toddy..where did you find that picture?)


Dec 29, 2004
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Play Book

Here's how the play should have worked and did work.

It was a 2nd down play. A Driver catch would have secured a 1st down. At the time Favre threw the ball, Grant looked to be only about at the line of scrimmage so that option probably didn't look so great at the time. It just sounds like Webster had good instinct on the play.

But great photos you guys.


Aug 4, 2006
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Play Book

Here's how the play should have worked and did work.

It was a 2nd down play. A Driver catch would have secured a 1st down. At the time Favre threw the ball, Grant looked to be only about at the line of scrimmage so that option probably didn't look so great at the time. It just sounds like Webster had good instinct on the play.

But great photos you guys.

pretty cool there vixtalkn.

Would of been a nice call (like all calls) if it worked.


Nov 4, 2007
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With Driver on his right side, that was the "easier" pass for a right-handed qb to make ...

Jennings was running an identical route as Driver on the left side and clearly had his man beat. If Favre would have thrown in Jennings direction and got some muscle into the pass; Green Bay would be playing next Sunday. (the Giant safety on the left side was breaking to Favre's right, reading his eyes the whole way. He may have recovered to make the tackle on Jennings, but nonetheless, it would have been a huge gainer for the Pack.)

Favre was locked in on Driver the whole play, that was his huge mistake on that particular play ...


You retired too? .... Not me. I'm in my prime
Aug 2, 2005
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Central Wisconsin
roy_munson said:
With Driver on his right side, that was the "easier" pass for a right-handed qb to make ...

Jennings was running an identical route as Driver on the left side and clearly had his man beat. If Favre would have thrown in Jennings direction and got some muscle into the pass; Green Bay would be playing next Sunday. (the Giant safety on the left side was breaking to Favre's right, reading his eyes the whole way. He may have recovered to make the tackle on Jennings, but nonetheless, it would have been a huge gainer for the Pack.)

Favre was locked in on Driver the whole play, that was his huge mistake on that particular play ...

Jennings was not running an out.. he was running a wiggle with a fade... Favre would have had to throw it up and over the coverage.. but he had pressure comming from the left... how do you step up and throw it.. unless he stayed on his back foot and floated it in there.. then we would be *****ing about to much air and a pick...

The crosser was covered in.. the check down should have been the back.. but watch the live play.. I think he released a bit late.. again team game.. it started up front in the breakdown and continued for most of the game.


Jun 15, 2007
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Are you blind..?

Look at the defender collapsing the line on the left side, count back two seconds because Favre's committed to throwing Driver, and I'm sure Jennings didn't make his cut yet...


Mar 29, 2006
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Salisbury, NC
Fuzznuts answer me two questions....

1. Does Favre ever mess up? Is it even possible?

2. What does Brett Favres colon look like? You have your head so far up there i figured you could save him a trip to the doctor.


Jun 15, 2007
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If you tell me what Trom's tonsils look like...Packnic?

You've got your head so far up his ***

What did you do, take over as forum's resident anti-Favre posting curmudgeon for him?

The truth hurts to you Favre bashers, now doesn't it when you want to pin erroneous crap on him? Was it a bad throw. Yeah..Favre admitted he didn't get enough on it, the wind knocked it down...whatever. You're not happy until you drag him completely through the mud, which is ridiculous and juvenile, and just plain, innacurate and wrong....but that's you, i guess.

Was it a bad decision....NO..considering the options.

Why don't you just try dealing in truth for a change instead of trying to inflict us with all of your emotional baggage regarding the issue? You might find it refreshing...I know the rest of the forum would...

I know you want Rodgers now, but Jr's going to have to wait for Favre to hands him the keys, since he obviously can't beat him out...


Aug 4, 2006
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Nobody is really saying that they want Rodgers over Favre, its that we want Rodgers to stay for when Favre leaves, so he can be his successor.


Nick Perry is watching you, NFL QB's!
Apr 27, 2007
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Raleigh, N.C
If you tell me what Trom's tonsils look like...Packnic?

You've got your head so far up his ***

What did you do, take over as forum's resident anti-Favre posting curmudgeon for him?

The truth hurts to you Favre bashers, now doesn't it when you want to pin erroneous crap on him? Was it a bad throw. Yeah..Favre admitted he didn't get enough on it, the wind knocked it down...whatever. You're not happy until you drag him completely through the mud, which is ridiculous and juvenile, and just plain, innacurate and wrong....but that's you, i guess.

Was it a bad decision....NO..considering the options.

Why don't you just try dealing in truth for a change instead of trying to inflict us with all of your emotional baggage regarding the issue? You might find it refreshing...I know the rest of the forum would...

I know you want Rodgers now, but Jr's going to have to wait for Favre to hands him the keys, since he obviously can't beat him out...

Hah, i'm tempted to respond to this guy . . but it's definitely not worth it.

I have better things to do.

Fuzznuts for mod!!


Sep 23, 2006
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Nokia, Finland
I'm not bashing Favre on anything. He's one of the Top5 QB's of the league IMO. In my opinion that was a bad throw. But everyone is entitled to an opinion.


Nov 4, 2007
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roy_munson said:
With Driver on his right side, that was the "easier" pass for a right-handed qb to make ...

Jennings was running an identical route as Driver on the left side and clearly had his man beat. If Favre would have thrown in Jennings direction and got some muscle into the pass; Green Bay would be playing next Sunday. (the Giant safety on the left side was breaking to Favre's right, reading his eyes the whole way. He may have recovered to make the tackle on Jennings, but nonetheless, it would have been a huge gainer for the Pack.)

Favre was locked in on Driver the whole play, that was his huge mistake on that particular play ...

Jennings was not running an out.. he was running a wiggle with a fade... Favre would have had to throw it up and over the coverage.. but he had pressure comming from the left... how do you step up and throw it.. unless he stayed on his back foot and floated it in there.. then we would be *****ing about to much air and a pick...

The crosser was covered in.. the check down should have been the back.. but watch the live play.. I think he released a bit late.. again team game.. it started up front in the breakdown and continued for most of the game.

That's not correct.

Favre stated in his post game press conference that the routes Driver and Jennings were running were the same ...
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