They lost three in a row. They've been blown out of a few games this year. and still until about two weeks ago I thought this team was hanging together pretty well. Other than the defense, I thought the team was getting better in all facets of the game. The special teams are going to be awful because our subs are awful. The defense has some good players however, and I have been very disappointed in the play of the defense. Hawk is coming on strong, but I'm still disappointed in Barnett. Quick, can anyone name the other linebacker? Yeah Poppinga! Those guys just don't always fill the hole and too often over run their coverage zone. My point you ask? Coaching plays a huge part in this game. It's not all about talent. Look at what is going on in New Orleans. That's not a very talented team but they are well coached in ever facet of the game and they come ready to play every game. That's coaching.
My hope is that Mike McCarthy can become that type of rah, rah guy. I like the fact that he said some of you won't be here next year. It depends how you play. I don't believe until this week that he was holding anyone accountable. You know when we're going to find out how tough this guy is, when it comes time for OTA's in the off-season and his super stars stay home. I like how Woodson is playing, but for this team to get better, he's going to need to lead on and off the field during and after the season. As we found out with Sherman, you can't let the inmates run the asylum.