Just wondering about your thoughts on the packers pursueing either Randy Moss or Ricky Williams....
I feel Randy would make a tremendous difference in our offensive weapons and be a great #1 or #2 reciever... Can you imagine three wide with Moss, Driver, and Jennings...It would give us the "Javon" threat again...I know Randy's numbers were down, but the raiders are a joke, he couldnt throw it to himself.
As for ricky, I think he still has the skills to be a top tier RB again..Face it before he was suspended people were talkin about him being the leagues leading rusher, and leading the Dolphins to the playoffs, and its not like hes been injured or anything...I love Ahman, hes one of my favs. But I am beggining to see that he is only a shell of what he used to be...He's fast, but slow off the start, its like he has to get going, whereas he used to hit the hole 100MPH. If Robinson can drink, why cant Ricky smoke? LOL
I feel like we could get ricky relatively cheap, thats one upside. As for moss, itd probably take a player along with a 2nd or 3rd round pick.
However we all know TT hates picking up Free Agents, so I doubt we'll sign anyone of relevance.
I feel Randy would make a tremendous difference in our offensive weapons and be a great #1 or #2 reciever... Can you imagine three wide with Moss, Driver, and Jennings...It would give us the "Javon" threat again...I know Randy's numbers were down, but the raiders are a joke, he couldnt throw it to himself.
As for ricky, I think he still has the skills to be a top tier RB again..Face it before he was suspended people were talkin about him being the leagues leading rusher, and leading the Dolphins to the playoffs, and its not like hes been injured or anything...I love Ahman, hes one of my favs. But I am beggining to see that he is only a shell of what he used to be...He's fast, but slow off the start, its like he has to get going, whereas he used to hit the hole 100MPH. If Robinson can drink, why cant Ricky smoke? LOL
I feel like we could get ricky relatively cheap, thats one upside. As for moss, itd probably take a player along with a 2nd or 3rd round pick.
However we all know TT hates picking up Free Agents, so I doubt we'll sign anyone of relevance.