Finished watching the recorded game. Was very impressed with the team as a whole - they looked improved in some key areas.
1. Quentin Rollins. It is unbelievable that this kid only played the position for a year. Either he is so amazingly physically talented that he can overcome the green or he is just a natural. Either way, the early results look very promising.
2. LaDarius Gunter: How did this guy go undrafted? Too slow too play? Looked more than fast enough last night. Very physical and focused. I think he is well on his way to making the team.
3. Ty Montgommery: Interesting player. Looked further along as a WR than I think most people thought. Very physical player, just need to learn to keep his feet in.
4. Jake Ryan: Will be starting by midpoint in the season. Aggressive and tough - what we needed at MLB for some time.
5. Edgar Bennet: I think he may be the best of the Packer assistant coaches. Offense looked ready to play.
6. TT - what a haul - 4 promising drafted players already and the #1 pick didn't even play. I know some may say this is way too soon - and they are right. But it is great this much production/talent this early in their careers.
7. Scott Tolzien - looked much improved over last season. Nice work! Seemed more confident and comfortable. Appeared to be in control and understood the plays.
8. Brent Hundley - Very talented player. Seemed more comfortable than I expected. Will need to not look at his intended target. He had a good night against marginal defenders, but I think he would have gotten his butt handed to him in a real game.
Andrew Quarless. Some good grabs but also a bad drop.
David Bahktari - Gave him some slack early in his career, but as a 3rd year layer he should not be getting schooled by a rookie. Focus!
1. Quentin Rollins. It is unbelievable that this kid only played the position for a year. Either he is so amazingly physically talented that he can overcome the green or he is just a natural. Either way, the early results look very promising.
2. LaDarius Gunter: How did this guy go undrafted? Too slow too play? Looked more than fast enough last night. Very physical and focused. I think he is well on his way to making the team.
3. Ty Montgommery: Interesting player. Looked further along as a WR than I think most people thought. Very physical player, just need to learn to keep his feet in.
4. Jake Ryan: Will be starting by midpoint in the season. Aggressive and tough - what we needed at MLB for some time.
5. Edgar Bennet: I think he may be the best of the Packer assistant coaches. Offense looked ready to play.
6. TT - what a haul - 4 promising drafted players already and the #1 pick didn't even play. I know some may say this is way too soon - and they are right. But it is great this much production/talent this early in their careers.
7. Scott Tolzien - looked much improved over last season. Nice work! Seemed more confident and comfortable. Appeared to be in control and understood the plays.
8. Brent Hundley - Very talented player. Seemed more comfortable than I expected. Will need to not look at his intended target. He had a good night against marginal defenders, but I think he would have gotten his butt handed to him in a real game.
Andrew Quarless. Some good grabs but also a bad drop.
David Bahktari - Gave him some slack early in his career, but as a 3rd year layer he should not be getting schooled by a rookie. Focus!
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