tromadz said:
Zero2Cool said:
I should have known better to open a thread from this author. I take fault on this.
see...why post that. didnt you learn your lesson getting banned?
If one of us has to be banned, it will ALWAYS be me. Always. Reason is because once you get banned you email Ryan crying your *** off until he reverses it. Then you whine that the staff is too ******* people, then when someone goes against YOUR opinion you whine that the staff isn't cracking down hard enough.
I learned a lesson, yes. I learned that whiners always get their way with those who would rather take the easy way out. Since you're IQ is 28 what that means is they ban me because its easier to deal with me being banned (all i do is use a new name with a new IP and blend in) rather than you sending them emails crying your sad pathetic *** off until you get reinstated.
This was proven after I was banned and proved how you did far worse and were able to get away with it.
I'll give you this much. I've proved your worth to being banned numerous times as some of the staff and yet you are allowed here. You're slick like a new york cockroach.
I don't know what is with you, you used to be a pretty cool cat. When I was mod I even stuck up for you. Now? You're like the equilivent of an OJ Simpson of this forum. All the evidence supports you being abolished and you're sitting in your desk screaming 'the keyboard doesnt fit...'