I've lost much respect for Ryan. He wets his pants everytime the whole process isn't 100%. Sander has taken crap from nearly everyone, but he's strapped on his helmet and worked hard at trying to make himself better, and I never heard him once complain about anything. Longwell blamed the holds for his misses. After this much time, I don't think it's the hold, Ryan.
I used to listen to Longwell on ESPN radio when he and former host Todd Wright did a "fourth and Longwell" segment each week during the season.
Ryan has moved into an exclusive country club condo facility in Florida to continue his golf game and I began to sniff the "upper class" smell around his comments on the radio.
He's a great kicker, at times, but Edinger simply out-kicked him Sunday.
I've never been a fan of Longwell's short kickoffs, now his whining about Sander has finally pissed me off. He also alluded once to wanting to follow Josh Bidwell to Florida so he could boost his stats. Good. Go south and wet your pants there, whiner.