El Guapo
There is a lot more to this article. Most players from the 2011-13 drafts have pretty well either become good players or busts. I'm still holding my opinions on Perry, Jones, and Mike Neal. There are a host of lower picks from 2013 that still need to prove themselves, but these three guys have been walking the tightrope of failure. Interesting that at least two of them are finally putting it together (hopefully).So are Nick Perry and Datone Jones bad picks or have they just been hurt? Perry has only played in 36 of a possible 52 career games. Many of those games Perry has played hurt. Datone Jones has technically fared better as far as games played, but injuries have defined his professional career as well. He played all 16 games as a rookie but was admittedly affected by an ankle injury that limited his production all year long. Jones also missed time in 2014 to the same ankle.