Job Postings: Are the jobs really as easy as some would have you believe???
I know we live in an age of instant gratification, where information access is instantaneous and our attention-deficit culture demands we hit the reset button hit as soon as the going gets tough. Yet, knowing all of this, I still find myself asking – do most fans really believe that being a GM or HC is as easy as it seems to be when playing Madden 20??, could they truly be so clueless?
In most Packer quarters Ted Thompson is either: a “do nothing Ron Wolf wannabeâ€
I know we live in an age of instant gratification, where information access is instantaneous and our attention-deficit culture demands we hit the reset button hit as soon as the going gets tough. Yet, knowing all of this, I still find myself asking – do most fans really believe that being a GM or HC is as easy as it seems to be when playing Madden 20??, could they truly be so clueless?
In most Packer quarters Ted Thompson is either: a “do nothing Ron Wolf wannabeâ€