I have noticed a trend in post that harken back to the GB qb Factory days. I will say this that those who think it is the HC job to bring along QB's dont understand the complexities of posistions coaches. In the old days it is true that GB had thrown out some decent QB's in the league. Brunnel Hasselbeck Warner ext. All these Qbs would have been winners with the Green and Gold but they went elsewhere to find there starting jobs. This is the one problem with having a 15 year QB it does not allow for the development of new talent within your team. That said the reason for these QB's coming out of GB was not Holmgren but the posistion coaches that developed them. The only problem with GB right now is Bevel was a option QB from Wisconsin who never did anything in the NFL. Sherman had went with what I believe was the best guy for the Job. No one here I mean no one can truly know what the develpment of Rogers is right now. And as far as Lienhart goes I wouldnt want him he may be a fair NFL QB but will never dominate. I think Rodgers will do fine if given the traditional two year window for GB qbs trust me once GB gets its O-line woes in order look for something good to come out of rodgers.