Funny story about Ray Nitschke


Sep 8, 2011
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Anchorage, AK
About 17 years ago, Ray Nitschke joined my uncle and my grandparents for dinner. My uncle had performed a minor surgery on Nitschke's niece or something, I cant quite remember. Anyhow, my Grandma asked him what he would like for supper in advance. "Meat and potatoes Ma'am" said Nitschke. Before dinner myself and few of my cousins stopped by and met Ray, he was very nice, and all I remember were his giant hand squeezing only a nano-fraction as hard as he could have. He signed a jersey for all of us (my most prized possession)
After we had left, the HOF'er ate at my grandparents table with them and my uncle. A few days afterwords, my uncle said that while Ray's manners were very good when it came to "pleases and thank yous", Ray didnt even acknowledge his silverware. T-bone steak, baked potato, corn on the cob, and mix greens salad. He had two steaks, two bakers, and too much corn to count all with his bare hands. My grandpa said that Nitschke ate everything on his plate execpt the corn cobs, the bone, and his salad wasnt even touched. When asked my grandma said that she loved him even more knowing that a fork and knife only slowed him down when it came to red meat and potatos!
Figured some of you might enjoy that one. :D


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Mar 7, 2005
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I had pleasure of sitting behind him the stands vs Det on a Sunday night on Sharpers rookie year..

He was easy to talk to and yes those hands were huge...At one point he lit a cigar, at that time no smoking inside the bowl..My brother who was about 4 people down said tell him to stop..I looked at him and said hell no..

Since we were so crowded, my knees kept bumping his back and I kept saying sorry..He didnt mind tho...

Ray wouldnt take any pics, sign anything as he said I am here to watch the game(not to us but others that saw him) He was like any other fan during the 1st half..Got up at 1/2 time, shook our hands and went to his private box..


Sep 8, 2011
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Anchorage, AK
I had pleasure of sitting behind him the stands vs Det on a Sunday night on Sharpers rookie year..

He was easy to talk to and yes those hands were huge...At one point he lit a cigar, at that time no smoking inside the bowl..My brother who was about 4 people down said tell him to stop..I looked at him and said hell no..

Since we were so crowded, my knees kept bumping his back and I kept saying sorry..He didnt mind tho...

Ray wouldnt take any pics, sign anything as he said I am here to watch the game(not to us but others that saw him) He was like any other fan during the 1st half..Got up at 1/2 time, shook our hands and went to his private box..

Yep, I feel lucky I got to meet him, they just dont make em like that anymore.

I actually sat next to Willie Davis at a game vs. the Giants. He was there for some halftime old timers deal. Same thing as you said about Ray, stood up, cheered like a madman, high fiving random people.

I also sat next to Dr. J when the Bucks played the Sixers in the Easter Conference Finals years back. Complete ***. Ignored everyone, didnt look like he had one second of fun.


I was able to get Ray Nitschke's autograph in 1967. He was talking to another man leaning against an older car after a training camp practice. I walked over and just stood next to the two gentlemen for about five minutes with my pen and a Packer Yearbook in my hand. Ray did not say a word to me but just motion to me to give him the pen and book. He signed it and I thanked him and started to walk away. Then Ray said "Hold it don't you want this mans autograph?" "This is Lionel Aldridge"

I said Oh yes thank you. I still have my Packer Yearbooks with autographs of Packer players.


Jan 22, 2025
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About 17 years ago, Ray Nitschke joined my uncle and my grandparents for dinner. My uncle had performed a minor surgery on Nitschke's niece or something, I cant quite remember. Anyhow, my Grandma asked him what he would like for supper in advance. "Meat and potatoes Ma'am" said Nitschke. Before dinner myself and few of my cousins stopped by and met Ray, he was very nice, and all I remember were his giant hand squeezing only a nano-fraction as hard as he could have. He signed a jersey for all of us (my most prized possession)
After we had left, the HOF'er ate at my grandparents table with them and my uncle. A few days afterwords, my uncle said that while Ray's manners were very good when it came to "pleases and thank yous", Ray didnt even acknowledge his silverware. T-bone steak, baked potato, corn on the cob, and mix greens salad. He had two steaks, two bakers, and too much corn to count all with his bare hands. My grandpa said that Nitschke ate everything on his plate execpt the corn cobs, the bone, and his salad wasnt even touched. When asked my grandma said that she loved him even more knowing that a fork and knife only slowed him down when it came to red meat and potatos!
Figured some of you might enjoy that one. :D
Hey, do you know the name of his Niece? hes my cousin's grandpa lol!


Jan 30, 2010
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Rest Home
Last big sombrero game in Tampa - Ray walked up our aisle and stopped and we gave him a brewski. He was on his way up to the radio booth to sit with Max McGee. Good memory.

El Guapo

Dec 7, 2011
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Land 'O Lakes
Great stories. Keep them coming.

A family member of mine played for the Bucks and Knicks back in the day. We used to get into the locker room after games, which was fantastic. I remember being scared of Patrick Ewing. He looked mean (probably because they lost) with huge bags of ice on each knee. The last thing that he probably wanted was to give out autographs in the locker room, but he was very nice about it. I distinctly remember my amazement at his generosity. I was never into collectibles but one of my brothers still has all of that stuff, one of Bernard King's signed shoes, etc.

It's always interesting to stand next to pro athletes and see just how different their bodies are compared to the rest of us!

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