Policy Full List Of Rules - Must Read For Members

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Supporting Member
Apr 14, 2009
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Orange County, CA
I have decided to combine a number of threads about the rules and policies of this site into one long thread that we can maintain and update on a regular basis. This will be MUCH easier to keep track up instead of 10+ threads all dealing with the same "main topic".

Again, this is a must read for ALL members. The bottom line, if you follow these rules, you will be a valued member of this forum. If you decide to break these rules, it will be a short stay for you at Packer Forum.

Personal Attacks:
We have had a rash of situations pop up that should be addressed again.

We are not going to tolerate name calling or personal attacks on other people just because you disagree with their point of view.

A preponderance of negative ratings (or using disagree button) directed at a poster will be viewed as a personal attack.

Rating posts (or hitting disagree button) that are over two months old in an attempt to incite the poster will be viewed as a personal attack.

If you disagree with a post and then follow it up with a post explaining your point of view, it will not fall under this guideline

Ignore feature:
The Packer Forum has an "ignore" feature which allows forum members to put others (excluding moderators and admins) on an ignore list which will cause you not to be able to view the posts/ comments of those whom you have on your ignore list.

It is highly recommended to use the ignore feature in the event of a conflict to avoid unnecessary fighting and subsequent moderation of threads and disciplinary actions against those involved. Motto: In times of conflict, the ignore feature is your friend.

As always, mods are always available to resolve a conflict, but the mod will 1st recommend the ignore feature.

We are all adults and not babysitters. So do not be surprised if we start taking more drastic measures when posters can not seem to get along. That may mean a warning, or a complete suspension for one day or permanent. As so eloquently put by one of our posters: Ignore is my friend.

Signatures are a nice way to identify individual users and close off your posts. However, we need to limit the amount of information that goes into each signature. Signatures can be no longer that 250 characters. Signatures can ONLY have ONE(1) images that is a maximum size of 500px x 150px. The maximum file size of your signature image should 75kb. Animations are okay for right now, but that may change in the future.

Content We Do NOT Allow Here:
There are a couple of topics that we DO NOT allow here under any circumstances. The following topics will be closed immediately and the users warned; politics, religion, racism and ****** preference. There are PLENTY of other sites around the Internet for users to talk about these topics. This is NOT one of those sites.

Spelling Mistakes and Typos:
If anyone here ever has an issue with how someone types, spells, or using the wrong word, for instance:

Receiving core and not receiving corp (we had to lay this out perfectly because some posters were confused)

Please do not point out the mistakes in the forum. Send that person a pm please. You're going to open up a whole mess that no one wants to deal with. Be respectful of the person and not embarrass them in front of their fellow Packer and NFL fans.

Stop Making Duplicate Threads, USE SEARCH:
Stop making new threads on stuff that is being discussed already. We are tired of merging threads. We have a fire MM thread. We have a special teams thread. We have a thread with everything you want to discuss. Take the extra 2 minutes and find them. This is a serious one since it takes a lot of time for the moderators to continuously merge threads that have been duplicated over and over again.

Posting Articles:
There has been a number of occasions where a user wants to post an article from another site. We are completely IN FAVOR of posting articles from another since that creates a good discussion on this site. However, there are some guidelines that need to be followed.

The most basic concept when posting articles from another site is to NOT copy the entire article and post it on this site. Ideally, you would ONLY be copying the first couple of paragraphs with a link back to the original article. Link should be clearly visible. Also, you should wrap those couple of paragraphs in a quote tag.

The one thing that NEVER should be done is copying articles from PAY sites. We do not allow this at all and could get us in trouble if we post content from paid sites.

Site that Stream NFL Games:
We do NOT under any circumstance allow people to post links to streaming NFL games. Furthermore, we do not offer ANY form of advertising to sites that stream content. As with all serious offenses, you will get banned immediately if you create a thread or post with links to these types of sites in your signature or within the content of your created thread/post. If you are trying to find places that WILL be showing the Packer games, you can check out the following site: http://www.packerseverywhere.com/

At the end of the day, this is a PACKER site. So any members who sole purpose is to create chaos and smack talk will find their stay SHORT LIVED. Sorry, but I just don't care about what you stand for. My main concern is about the Packers and the members of this site. However, you will get at least ONE warning to see if you can clean up your act. After that, bye bye for good.

Jersey Sale Sites:
I have seen these posts, random suggestions, signature links long enough and an official rule needs to be made. We are no longer allowing ANYONE to post jersey sites in POSTS, SIGNATURES or ANYWHERE ELSE ON THE SITE. Please listen to this warning. We are going to immediately ban new members that come here and post these links. Existing members will get ONE warning.

Members Trying to Advertise in Posts or Signatures:
The bottom line is that we DO NOT allow users to advertise with out PERMISSION from the site admin. We do make exceptions for ESTABLISHED members to advertise in their signatures or create a thread about whatever they are trying to sell. New members will NOT be allowed to advertise anything and will receive an IMMEDIATE warning. Second offense will most likely result in a BAN.

Conversations (Private Messages):
Please do not use this system to send out mass spam messages. This will result in an immediate ban. Because at the end of the day, no one cares what you are selling. If they did, you wouldn't have to advertise that way in the first place.

Multiple Usernames/Accounts:
Starting at this point, the registering of multiple screen names for the any purpose other than technical malfunction is strictly prohibited. Anyone who purposely creates multiple usernames in order to 'mock' another user will be banned or have their account suspended.

This creates unnecessary stress on the database, and ruins the "recently registered users" feature. At that point it was much more difficult to monitor IP address usage of multiple names, so people continued to ignore the rule and get away with it. This new software makes it much easier to figure out who's using what, so if I suspect you're using multiple names I will look into it.

Everyone knows that we have never been sticklers about anything. I probably have edited/deleted only a handful of posts and banned a handful of people since I have been here, but this is a site quality issue. When people rig the reps, polls, etc. it ruins many of the features the site has to offer. If I find out that someone is logging in under four or five names to rig polls or damage someone's rep, I'm going to ban you. YOU ONLY NEED ONE USERNAME. PICK ONE AND DO NOT CHANGE. If you want a new name, do not try to close your account and create another. Private message [PM] a senior mod (at the moment PoppaSan and LongTimeFan) or Admin Shaggy with your request. They can take care of it for you. The site administrator can also do it but usually not as quick.

Do not make a new name if you are banned. If the banning is only temporarily just sit tight and log in when the ban is over. If you make a new name while banned, you will be banned permanently. Other steps may include contacting your isp to file a complaint.

Posting Getty Images:
This Policy is extremely simple: DO NOT USE IMAGES FROM GETTY IMAGES. Anyone can do simple searches through Google Images and find a suitable replacement. The previous owner was hit was a C&D from their attorney. I do not want to have to deal with that process. If you suspect an image is from the Getty Images, please send an Admin or Mod a PM so we can deal with that situation.

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy:
Make sure to read the following pages for additional information about the site:

[NOTE] This post is subject to change without notice or warning... We reserve the right to edit and or delete posts from members when we feel it is warranted. All these rules go for every section. So if posting in adult asylum or atrium, (even thought it states everything and anything) you still need to follow these rules. You accept these rules as a part of becoming a member here.
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Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
In the interest of providing our forum members with a Shoutbox everyone can enjoy, we have implemented a few rules and guidelines to preserve the integrity of the conversation while also allowing everyone to be heard.

These guidelines do not say you can't be negative or complain when a game is not going well. This is not wholly " being negative" as it is reactionary to what is going on in a game. That is part of the game and is to be anticipated. However there is a difference between commenting on a bad game and trolling the Shoutbox to upset others when a game is not going well.

A negative reaction to something negative going on in a game will NOT get you banned from ShoutBox. Complaining will NOT get you banned.

Trolling the Shoutbox to intentionally disrupt the flow of conversation or harass other members WILL result in at least a one week ban from the Shoutbox.

You may or may not receive a communication from a mod stating the reason for your ban and regarding your re-admittance.

Disrespect of any mod(s) in chat WILL result in at least a one week ban from the Shoutbox. You may or may not receive a communication from a mod stating the reason for your ban and regarding your re admittance.

Since Game day Shoutbox is difficult to monitor as it is you may therefore be banned from Shoutbox without warning nor explanation.

A few simple guidelines may make everyone's Shoutbox experience better. Be kinder to one another. Remember, win or lose, we are Packers fans. Be respectful of fans of other teams who are visiting or are members in their own right. We as Packers fans are representing our team. That does not mean we have to be positive all the time. Some of us do not take losing well and have a right to voice frustration. We must be more supportive and understanding in our differences of how we handle losing as much as we exult with each other in victory.

In regards to positive or negative comments in Shoutbox, it's a live game chat. That means the comments are reactionary to live game action. Be that as it is, if we're losing the comments are going to reflect that. Nobody should feel unwelcome in the Shoutbox, however as a fair warning, the Shoutbox will mirror what is going on in the game. Therefore if a game isn't going well you can anticipate the Shoutbox to reflect that.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
When posters repeatedly interact after being told several times to ignore one another or drop the subject or it is carried across multiple threads, moderators will first warn the posters then implement a thread ban of the involved posters starting at 48 hours. Repeated violation of said policy will lead to further actions up to and including a permanent ban. If a moderator is involved, said actions will be implemented by a different moderator.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
Someone said there are no rules about not replying or putting in ignore

He is that rule.

As always, mods are always available to resolve a conflict, but the mod will 1st recommend the ignore feature.

We are all adults and not babysitters. So do not be surprised if we start taking more drastic measures when posters can not seem to get along. That may mean a warning, or a complete suspension for one day or permanent. As so eloquently put by one of our posters: Ignore is my friend.


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
When posters repeatedly interact after being told several times to ignore one another or drop the subject or it is carried across multiple threads, moderators will first warn the posters then implement a thread ban of the involved posters starting at 48 hours. Repeated violation of said policy will lead to further actions up to and including a permanent ban. If a moderator is involved, said actions will be implemented by a different moderator.
Why is it no one reads this?


Staff member
Mar 7, 2005
Reaction score
NOTE] This post is subject to change without notice or warning... We reserve the right to edit and or delete posts from members when we feel it is warranted. All these rules go for every section. So if posting in adult asylum or atrium, (even thought it states everything and anything) you still need to follow these rules. You accept these rules as a part of becoming a member here.
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