all about da packers said:
No influence once so ever.
If his family doesn't influence him, a player won't either.
Brett said the decision is his to make.
He also said he's going to make it in a couple of weeks.
Zero, he also said his daughter is going on to her senior year in highschool then heading off to college, and he wants to spend time with his family (and the younger daughter that is growing up fast, according to Brett)...
I think in the end it comes down to whether Brett's willingness to put in the work before game day still overpowers his desire to spend time with his family (He has been playing for almost 15 seasons, no doubt he's missed out on a lot of watching his children grow). By the looks of the interview, and him saying that (and then saying Hello to his 2 daughters) I get the sense his willingness to do the other stuff that goes on in the week leading up to the game has taken a backseat to his desire to be with his family.
You don't put things together too well do you?
I'll admit, I was, to say it generously, 98% he was playing one final year. His emotions have me questioning the confidence I had.
Then I recall his past comments about retirement. He doesn't want to walk away with talent left in the tank. He wants to walk away before he's 'over the hill' but doesn't want to leave a year or two left.
As he has said. His tractor will always be there. Football won't.
His daughter is graduating this year. Then going to college. I'm not genius, or anything. Not saying I am. But he's already missed all of her high school. What's what more year to make a run if Ted an company pull some Free Agents an players together for a SB run? To tap out his talent? To go out like a champion? Not that he cares much, but he has said he thinks about it. The records. He won't play JUST TO GET THE RECORDS, but think about it. If he has a solid team, a realistic chance for a SB and the talent in himself.
Why walk away? To see his daughter move out and move into a dorm room?
Heck, maybe I can't put things together well.
You don't have the benefit to hear an read his every word. I do. And when everything is added up. I see him playing next season. Each time I see that interview, I look into his squinting eyes that are swelling up. I second guess that confidence and recall the times he says the team has improved, but its not where it should be.
edit, Henderson has ZERO bearing on him retiring. ZERO. NONE. He's said its lonely, but it gives him time to do other things so he enjoys it. He's also a very likeable guy who loves telling stories and new guys give him a chance to re-tell his stories over to new guys. He likes that.