For starters, I want to premise this as being in no true way any insult to any Member in this Forum - Having said that, let's move on....
Everyone remembers that fateful play where Barnett over-pursued his coverage and, as usual, Sharper was one step waaay too late in destroying a great opportunity for the opposing Team. Outsiders always try and say that one play was the whole deal in Philadelphia last year.
My inference is this --- IF Rossley doesn't call that incredibly stupid pass play for Brett to throw to the WR(?) - which was then summarily thrown straight up into the air and intercepted, due to the pass rush they used, doh - then the Eagles NEVER, ever, see the ball again! ("paraphrase" edited out) ..and the Packers play Carolina, the week after. And then, most probably we would end up seeing and (who knows) winning(?) against New England.
That pass play was something the Eagles had been waiting for all game - they prepped for it as Andy Reid is very familiar with Bret Favre... having been Packer-trained at his craft as a Coach.
I say it could've happened that way. We are, after all, THE GREEN BAY PACKERS - 'the' most heralded team in the annals of the NFL, without a doubt. And with our 3xMVP QB at the steering wheel - it may have just played out that way.
So - 4th & 26 is not such a great insult rag and everyone should really go back and take a hard look at something even more telling, since so many Philly Sports Writers are so quick to fan the fames of fandom at McNabb...
"Take me out Coach, my ribs hurt!" / "C'mon Coach, I can't take the pain!" :wtf:
Donovan McNabb is definitely NO Brett Favre and NEVER will be!
He couldn't even finish a playoff game.. geez! What BS hype that's always been! Oh don't get me wrong, he's a pretty decent QB, but no better than Pennington, or Jake, the Snake, etc. His string of consecutive games is flimsy at best.... and Brett plays with how many injuries every game...eh?
Donovan McNabb will never be as good as Brett Favre, ....ever! :moon: :feedback:
Everyone remembers that fateful play where Barnett over-pursued his coverage and, as usual, Sharper was one step waaay too late in destroying a great opportunity for the opposing Team. Outsiders always try and say that one play was the whole deal in Philadelphia last year.
My inference is this --- IF Rossley doesn't call that incredibly stupid pass play for Brett to throw to the WR(?) - which was then summarily thrown straight up into the air and intercepted, due to the pass rush they used, doh - then the Eagles NEVER, ever, see the ball again! ("paraphrase" edited out) ..and the Packers play Carolina, the week after. And then, most probably we would end up seeing and (who knows) winning(?) against New England.
That pass play was something the Eagles had been waiting for all game - they prepped for it as Andy Reid is very familiar with Bret Favre... having been Packer-trained at his craft as a Coach.
I say it could've happened that way. We are, after all, THE GREEN BAY PACKERS - 'the' most heralded team in the annals of the NFL, without a doubt. And with our 3xMVP QB at the steering wheel - it may have just played out that way.
So - 4th & 26 is not such a great insult rag and everyone should really go back and take a hard look at something even more telling, since so many Philly Sports Writers are so quick to fan the fames of fandom at McNabb...
"Take me out Coach, my ribs hurt!" / "C'mon Coach, I can't take the pain!" :wtf:
Donovan McNabb is definitely NO Brett Favre and NEVER will be!
He couldn't even finish a playoff game.. geez! What BS hype that's always been! Oh don't get me wrong, he's a pretty decent QB, but no better than Pennington, or Jake, the Snake, etc. His string of consecutive games is flimsy at best.... and Brett plays with how many injuries every game...eh?
Donovan McNabb will never be as good as Brett Favre, ....ever! :moon: :feedback: