Good try captainWIMM, but you’re wasting your time. Look at his post in March of 2014 after the Packers signed Peppers. Beyond his misunderstanding of the 2-4 and his blind hatred of Capers, he criticizes Capers use of Peppers
before Peppers has appeared on a Packers’ practice field. None is so blind…
“The 2-4 is nothing but a disaster”, but how did it do in 2010? Capers “misuses everyone in the defensive front” but how about Matthews? Was he “misused”? Has Daniels been misused or does there seem to be a correlation between the talent of players and Capers’ success in using them? For example, is it Capers fault Perry hasn’t lived up to his draft status?
He complains that Peppers will take snaps away from Perry or D. Jones?

And now we’ve seen how Capers used Peppers. The only possible credible criticism would be what – using him too much?
Certainly Capers is due criticism but this poster is so blinded by hatred his criticism should fall on deaf ears.