I own a website
I truly apologize for the crap here, but if you turn your volume all the way up, turn the bass down, you can hear it perfectly.
I didn't get a good heads up that he was gonna be on so I had to rig something quick to record it
PocketDISH in front of home stereo speaker = low quality
Click HERE to hear it.
In my mad dash to record it, I missed the intro to Harris, but that was only about 7-10 seconds of Rome talking about previous packers on Rome.
He talks about Brett, his contract, being snubbed by the pro bowl, fans invading 'his' town - miami, Terrell Owens and few other things.
I didn't get a good heads up that he was gonna be on so I had to rig something quick to record it
PocketDISH in front of home stereo speaker = low quality
Click HERE to hear it.
In my mad dash to record it, I missed the intro to Harris, but that was only about 7-10 seconds of Rome talking about previous packers on Rome.
He talks about Brett, his contract, being snubbed by the pro bowl, fans invading 'his' town - miami, Terrell Owens and few other things.