All about da Packers wrote: YES! I thought Coston reminded me a little of Whale, and I expect him to at least contend. Him and White did make the roster for a reason last year, and I think Coston could solve one of our Guard problems. I haven't read a lot on him, but I just like this kid.
Coston was drafted as Wahle's replacement. Klemm was suppose to be a stop gap. Well, we all found out the hard way on that one. I think they have White targeted as our next center. Whether he plays this year or Flanagan comes back will be decided in training camp. I really believe Wells best attribute is being the utility backup for all three positions. I also think Berry should be given the opportunity to win the RG position. He is a punishing run blocker, although I question if he has what it takes between the ears to be the starter. OL are usually very bright guys.